Antonyms Opposite Song Lyrics
Song by: Matt & Joanna Pace
(Ooh ooh ooh oooh)
Good, bad
Happy, sad
Short, long
Weak and strong
Big, small
Short and tall
Hot, cold
Young and old
In, out
Whisper, shout
High, low
Stop and go
Whole, part
Finish, and start
Narrow, wide
Inside, outside
Real and fake
Asleep awake
Quiet, loud
Ashamed and proud
Ooh ooh ooh ooooh
Antonyms! Antonyms!
When two words are completely different
We call them opposites, or antonyms
Yes, No
Open, Closed
Push, pull
Empty, full
Laugh, cry
Wet and dry
Love, hate
Curly, straight
Far, near
There and here
Up, down
Square and round
Sour, sweet
Messy and neat
White, black
Front and back
Wrong, right
Left and right
Day, Night
Heavy and light
Narrow, wide
Inside, outside
Real and fake
Asleep awake
Quiet, loud
Ashamed and proud
Ooh ooh ooh ooooh
Antonyms! Antonyms!
When two words are completely different
We call them opposites, or antonyms
Antonyms! Antonyms!
When two words are completely different
We call them opposites, or antonyms
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